DTR – Hub Post

by Stephen Rodgers

This is the hub post for various articles and sermons on the subject of dating. Since few topics at LBC have generated as many questions as this one, we have gathered a number of resources together in order to make it easier for people to begin to think Biblically about this subject.

All posts in the DTR series:

All sermons in the DTR series:

Sermons from the recent College Life series:

While there are numerous resources available outside of LBC as well, in particular we would like to recommend a few notable series and articles.

For starters, Rick Holland has preached several series on relationships and dating that are truly excellent.

Relationship Series I

Relationship Series II

10 Principles for a God-Centered Relationship

Longtime friend of LBC (and all-around crazy person) Chris Mueller has preached several sermon series that bear directly on this topic:

In addition, Fred Butler has written a couple of excellent articles on relationship methodology that help to focus the issue on Biblical principles.

Austin Duncan also gave an excellent seminar on the same subject at the 2012 Shepherd’s Conference: