DTR2 Is Coming!!

by Pastor John Kim

This Sunday, we will start the long-awaited DTR2 series. It will build on the messages that were done a few years ago (DTR1, which you can hear online from our audio section at http://www.lighthousebc.com/) which built a foundation of thought to consider for dating relationships. We will continue to work on building that foundation but will take some time also to directly confront and deconstruct the worldly maze that has blinded many a Christian with the kind of junk that keeps the Word of God from being seen clearly. We will then hopefully build a strategy that will reflect a Biblical worldview toward developing God-honoring relationships that will culminate in God-honoring marriages. We will also talk about how to deal with breaking up in a way that honors God and the other party. There will be a 5 part series to start everything off (Oct. 7 through Nov. 4) and then we will resume in January 2008 as there will be a lot going on during the holiday season. So keep in tune with the updates…

I know that some might think that doing a series like this is just a ploy to get people to come to church. This simply is not true. If anything, I would guess that some of the things that I will say will repel people from the church because they will not want to deal with the truth. This is not just about playing around with some fun topic – it actually is a very serious one because people’s lives are at stake as they head down the road to marriage and the foundations that many people have are so shaky that it is only a matter of time before the relationships they start begin to crumble.

One thing that those of you who are single and who want to date must consider is this – are you really willing to consider what is at stake for the future? Or is your goal simply to fulfill some fantasy? As I watch marriages get destroyed and families get torn about, the place to start dealing with this isn’t when the problems arise, it is to proactively build a foundation that is built on the rock solid truth of God’s Word, cemented with the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and sustained with the weatherproofing of God’s grace that is sufficient to face any challenge. In this way, you cannot go wrong. But if your foundation is build on worldly wisdom, cemented with the emotional fragility of your passions, there is nothing that will sustain you for the long haul.

I will plead with you before you come this Sunday evening – pray that you come with a teachable heart because your future depends on it!!

See you this Sunday, if you still dare to come =)

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