Czech Missions Returns

by Hanka Rodgers From the very beginning of LBC’s existence, the church leaders were intentional and serious about missions. Despite being a very young church, LBC started sending teams to the Czech Republic in the summer of 2000 to organize English Camps and share the gospel while teaching English. I don’t think anybody had imagined […]

Argentina/Czech 2008

by Grace Wu In four months, Lighthouse will be sending a team of members to Tucumán, Argentina and another team of members to Ostrava, Czech Republic. With the missions applications out, we wait eagerly to see who God will call to fulfill the Great Commission in South America and Eastern Europe. The trips, which are […]

Missions in the Czech Republic (CZ07)

by Stephanie Shin Since 2000, God gave Lighthouse Bible Church the opportunity to serve at the Christian Church of Ostrava in Czech Republic, and we have been returning annualy since. He has been faithful in building the partnership there and strengthening relationships with Meinolf and Martina Mellwig, the missionaries from Germany, have spent much of […]

July Hiatus (2019)

As we’ve done in years past, we’ll be taking a brief hiatus for the month of July. In case anyone is curious as to the reasons behind that, in no particular order they are: This is a time where a number of our members who support the Beacon directly and indirectly are unavailable: many collegians […]

July Hiatus (2018)

As we’ve done in years past, we’ll be taking a brief hiatus for the month of July. In case anyone is curious as to the reasons behind that, in no particular order they are: This is a time where a number of our members who support the Beacon directly and indirectly are unavailable: many collegians […]

Weekly Links (8/11/2017)

“The easiest way you can love the church is simply by showing up. It sounds easy, but most of us have no idea what just being there means to those around us. Your church family is genuinely encouraged by your presence.” (Jaquelle Crowe, This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years) by Cesar […]

@LBC (8/09/2017)

by David Zhang Sermons God’s Rest in Christ: Hope for Our Restless World by Mark Chin (Exodus 20:1-8) How do we rest in the Lord? Special Features Czech missions trip photos are out! Argentina missions trip photos are out!