Weekly Links (2/3/2012)

By this rejection of God, agnosticism has embraced complete relativism. Yet this relativism must furnish a basis for the rejection of the absolute. Accordingly, the standard of self-contradiction taken for granted by antitheistic thought presupposes the absolute for its operation. Antitheism presupposes theism. One must stand upon the solid ground of theism to be an effective antitheist. (Cornelius Van Til, A Survey of Christian Epistemology)

by Stephen Rodgers

Hey everyone!  Welcome to Friday; we’ve got a bunch of really good stuff for you this week as you head into the weekend.



  •  It’s a new month, and so christianaudio.com has a new free audio book for you!  This month it’s Trusting God by Jerry Bridges.  You definitely don’t want to miss this one.
  • Truth for Life (the publisher) is now offering a number of resources at wholesale.
  • There’s a new issue of Tabletalk entitled Love Never Fails. I’ve updated the archive.  You do know about the archive right?
  • AIG has been making articles from some of their collections available for free. Given one of my past articles I’m especially excited to see that Contradictions and Contradictions 2 are part of that offering.
  • Also, you should know that Desiring God has made John Piper’s book Bloodlines available for free.

That should keep you busy!

Well, as Frank Turk often says, enjoy the digital delights, but make sure that you’re in the Lord’s house with the Lord’s people on the Lord’s day.

See you there.