Follow-up Interviews – Pastor Patrick

by Richard Shin

Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up series to the interviews that Richard Shin did in the spring of 2010.  For the original interview with Pastor Patrick, please see here and here.

How are you doing?

Things have been going really well. Thank you! =)

How has God been faithful to you in the last year?

God has been tremendously faithful to me in many ways. Besides remaining true to Himself and His promises (e.g. I am still saved), He has really helped me grow significantly as a believer and a pastor. Ministry has been tremendously encouraging, and that always keeps a pastor motivated to keep going even if he is tired. For example, this past weekend was one of the busier weekends of my life, but the all-church banquet was such a huge blessing that it hardly seemed like a difficult weekend at all. The church also has been a great blessing and joy, and a huge source of encouragement. The faithful service of the members and leadership has been humbling. It truly is humbling to understand that others look to me for leadership, guidance, and counsel. I certainly feel my shortcomings and am forced to depend more on the Lord.

How have you been challenged in this role as Senior Pastor that you weren’t previously as an Associate Pastor?

I’ve honestly never really been a fan of the titles “Senior Pastor” and “Associate Pastor,” but I understand the intent behind the question. The pace has definitely picked up now that I am filling this role at LBC. As an associate, there is not as much to think about. It’s not that it’s easy, but it does not demand as much. I think any associate pastor would generally agree. Serving as the senior pastor, I have been involved in some ministry situations and counseling opportunities that have really stretched me and I have learned a great deal through them. Through it all, I can clearly see God training me up for future ministry and helping me develop my thought processes and convictions.

You went from pastoring the collegians to overseeing the singles and married folks. How has that transition been?

The transition has been good. It has been good to see the consistency on Sundays of the group that comes out to Grace Life. I feel the study has been beneficial, but the fellowship has been particularly good. The format of that time is such that I don’t simply talk the whole time. Instead, we mix in group discussions and interaction. I believe that has really helped because I know how difficult it can be to listen to someone speak for two services in a row. We recently took a break from our study in Mark to cover Peacemaking for Families, by Ken Sande. We found it to be a very practical study and helpful to address everyday situations in the home.

As for the singles ministry, things have been good as well. I wish I could devote more time and energy into this ministry because I really believe it is important to help young believers in their decision making during this stage of their lives. Singles are in the process of developing their career paths, figuring out who they want to marry, and learning to be committed to the church with a more demanding schedule than they had in college. Meeting on Friday evenings has been challenging because of the lack of consistency. Too often Bible study has had to be cancelled because of conflicting all-church events. Still, the times we have been able to meet have been sweet. Our study through the book of Colossians has been helpful and challenging. Currently I am thinking through how I can better minister to the singles. I don’t want to simply maintain a Bible study for the sake of having a structured program. I believe it is better for the overall health of the ministry and church to address people and not just promote programs.

I imagine your workload has increased somewhat significantly since you became the Senior Pastor (or has it?). How have you been able to manage your time?

This has been difficult, but it has not been impossible. There are certain non-negotiable principles you keep in mind. For instance, I need to make sure I spend a good amount of time with my family. But with the increased workload, we have become more creative in how we do this. Sometimes they will come by the office to have lunch together and maybe spend the afternoon at the church. With the various church events that take place, Christine and I have learned to be flexible with Eden’s feeding, nap, and sleep schedule. But we find it a great joy to minister together and we love being at church with our church family. We also are encouraged that Eden loves it so much as well. Eden often cries when it is time to go home even when she is exhausted!

How can we be praying for you?

There are so many things to pray for, it would be impossible to list them all. I think the biggest thing would be for perseverance in what I am called to be and do as a leader in the church. Any pastor can have a season of faithful ministry, but I’m certain it really requires great resolve, unswerving commitment, and most of all deep dependence on God for a lifetime of faithful service. You can also pray for our family. As Eden grows, we don’t want her to grow embittered against the church or pastoral ministry. I’m sure it will take a lot of love, wisdom, patience, and strength to lead our family well.