Weekly Links (2/4/2011)

[Shawʼs] latest play, The Showing Up of Blanco Posnet, has been forbidden by the Censor. As far as I can discover, it has been forbidden because one of the characters professes a belief in God and states his conviction that God has got him. This is wholesome; this is like one crack of thunder in a clear sky. Not so easily does the prince of this world forgive. Shawʼs religious training and instinct is not mine, but in all honest religion there is something that is hateful to the prosperous compromise of our time. You are free in our time to say that God does not exist; you are free to say that He exists and is evil; you are free to say (like poor old Renan) that He would like to exist if He could. You may talk of God as a metaphor or a mystification; you may water Him down with gallons of long words, or boil Him to the rags of metaphysics; and it is not merely that nobody punishes, but nobody protests. But if you speak of God as a fact, as a thing like a tiger, as a reason for changing oneʼs conduct, then the modern world will stop you somehow if it can. We are long past talking about whether an unbeliever should be punished for being irreverent. It is now thought irreverent to be a believer. (GK Chesterton, HT: Victor Reppert via Tim McGrew)

by Stephen Rodgers

First of all, just to let you know, I gave myself a break this week in terms of updating the Recommended Resources page.  I needed to spend some time organizing materials for future editions of the Weekly Links and Beacon-related projects.  However, if you haven’t checked out that page yet, you really should, since there is a lot of good material there.

And that brings us to the links:

  • It’s February!  And that means that a new edition of Tabletalk is out!  This month, the theme is Letters from the Abyss. Check it out! (WEB)
  • And since it’s a new month, there’s a new FREE audio book available over at christianaudio.com.  This month, it’s the highly-acclaimed Adopted for Life by Russell Moore.  (MP3)
  • Much like we did our own little “Best” of Beacon a while back, Ligonier Ministries has a list of their Top 10 Articles of 2010.  (WEB)
  • Have I ever pointed out to you that an enormous quantity of both John Frame and Vern Polythress’ work is available for free online? No?  Shame on me.  But shame on you if you don’t scoot on over there and avail yourself to their materials… (WEBSITE)
  • Here’s something for all the parents who read the blog…Rick Holland shares a few thoughts on parenting and discipleship. (WEB)
  • Over at the CRBC blog, Tom Chantry has a great article on evangelism and how it pertains to a Christian perspective on panic and “catastrophes.” (WEB)
  • And last but not least, I stumped across a couple of articles by Dane Ortlund that I thought were interesting.  In both articles, he asks 25 church leaders to answer a question in only one sentence.

See you Sunday!

Pro Rege