Ushering Ministry

by Min Kim

I still remember my first day as an usher. I believe it was the fall of 2000. I approached Peter Lim and told him that it was weird for me to show up to Church and not serve. I thought I should be serving somewhere and not come to Church and just sit there. He suggested that I be an usher. I said yes, and from that day forward I was an usher. But to this day, I still don’t know how I became the head usher. I do it enjoy it and I have been overseeing this ministry for the past 10 years.

The Church is called to worship God with all their heart (Matthew 22:37), and in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24). The worship service should reflect His character and nature because He is a God of peace and order, and not of strife and confusion (I Corinthians 14:33). The worship service must exalt and glorify God. So the ushers serve by helping others worship God without any distractions and help keep order during the worship service.

The duties of the ushers are: collecting the offering, collecting white slips, door monitoring, some security duties, and assisting with administering communion.

If you are a member of LBC and would like to serve in this ministry, please let me know.